Insert Media Control

Tags: Help, XLW, Document Management

Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at

Upload pictures, pdfs, office documents or any supporting file into your wrap. It allows you to add any file attachments to a wrap instance. It inserts the following formula into Excel:

=WRAPUPLOAD("*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.txt;*.pdf;*.zip;*.doc;*.docx;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.ppt;*.pptx", 39)

The first parameter is a filter string containing the filetypes you would like to attach.The second parameter is the scroll height (39 pixels in the example above) which reserves some pixel space for file selection when multiple files are uploaded. A WRAPUPLOAD() function must be the only function in an Excel formula and it cannot be nested with another Excel function. 

A Wrap's ability to upload documents is the fundamental element used in document management solutions. An additional layer of security is wrapped around any document uploaded and to view the document you must have the correct role permission to view the wrap. Even if you knew the file location on the server you would not be able to access the document unless you have the correct role permission. Role permission are set using Wrap Groups.

REMEMBER: Files can be previewed in the wrap so make sure you have an adequate cell height and width.