Contents tagged with Document Management

  • Insert Media Control

    Tags: Help, XLW, Document Management

    Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at

    Upload pictures, pdfs, office documents or any supporting file into your wrap. It allows you to add any file attachments to a … more

  • Integrating ExcelWraps Into a Production Environment

    Tags: Video, Document Management

    The video explains the traditional difficulties in compiling paper documentation packages in a production environment and how Wraps now collects and shares production information in the cloud. It shows how the technology has been adopted on the shop floor and what the shop floor staff think of it.  … more

  • RIP Paperwork

    Tags: Wrap Creator, Rapid Application Development, Competence, Document Management

    ExcelWraps replaces all paper records at Unipart

    A quantum leap for the Hitachi 395 bogie overhaul as paper is superseded by Wraps. Now information is immediately available through the cloud and shared across Unipart, with its clients and its subcontractors. Bogie overhaul consists of 20 main … more